
A few months ago I really felt that I was meant to start writing down some of the random thoughts and experiences I go through on a day by day process. I was torn about doing this in a notebook or making it an online blog. I figured i might be slightly more disciplined if I wrote a blog (we’ll see!!!). I wrote my very first post & left it a few days before I had the guts to actually post it! If no one ever reads a single post I write I am completely fine with that!!

I have made the concious decision to not to refer to anyone or anything by name. I have chosen to write this blog- my friends haven’t (!) & for that reason it wouldn’t be fair of me to bring anyone else in on this 🙂

Please be patient with me on here, I am no technical whizz (I leave all of that to my hubby!) but I hope over time to make this blog nicer to look at and easier to navigate.

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